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House & Land Blessing

Elevate your home with a house blessing, a sacred and joyous ceremony to set intentions, release old energy, and infuse your living space with fresh, balanced, and rejuvenating energy.

House & Land Blessing
House & Land Blessing

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Location is TBD

About the Event

A house blessing is a sacred and transformative ceremony that encompasses the setting of intentions for your home and a releasing ceremony that offers a fresh start for both your house and the land it graces. It's an opportunity to infuse your living space with a profound sense of joy and sacredness, fostering a deeper connection to the place you call home. House blessings hold significant value, especially when you intend to sell your house, as they help you gently release any conscious or unconscious attachments that may be holding you back. 

House blessings can take various forms, from a simple, serene walk through each room with prayerful intentions and positive energy to more elaborate celebrations with friends, family, delightful food, poetry, music, and dancing. Regardless of the path you choose, the result is a home that feels renewed, balanced, and filled with fresh new energy.

A personalized ritual tailored to your unique needs and desires can set a profound intention for the kind of home you wish to create. Elements like incense, candles, and the symbolic forces of earth, fire, water, and air may be incorporated to amplify the experience. Special blessings can be extended to your cherished pets, beloved pieces of furniture, or meaningful symbols that hold a special place in your heart.

Your home is the heart of your daily life, a place of refuge and nourishment, where you find solace from the outside world. A house blessing is a beautiful way to add depth, purpose, and significance to your personal sanctuary, ensuring that it remains a haven of inspiration and connection.

Time allowed: 1-2 hours


  • House & Land Blessing

    Elevate your home with a house blessing, a sacred and joyous ceremony to set intentions, release old energy, and infuse your living space with fresh, balanced, and rejuvenating energy. 1-2 hours

    +$11.25 service fee



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